May 12

Evernight – Chapter 18 – Into The Sewers

Lara and Joe have to make a living and as toshers they have to go in search of things that have been lost or cast away by others that find their way to the sewers. Joe struck lucky with what he had found but then misfortune left him for dead in the water and the muck.

Your task today is to write or record what he told his Gran about what had happened to him that evening. Will he be entirely honest or will he try to hide some of the seriousness of what had happened? How will his Gran respond, I wonder?


Click on the pink circle on the padlet below and get writing!

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May 12

100 word challenge The Monster By James

The deafening screams echoed through the cold night. I shivered in my tent. The creature was free, the solders instructed to defeat it were all screaming wildly or dead and we were all domed unless we could find its spell.

The spell was put in a small wooden box, which had a bird engraved onto it, and this was the only thing that could control the monster.

My heart seemed to be trying to break my ribs, I was sweating franticly and my tent was becoming colder by the second.

Then two imense claws pierced through the tent. I screamed!

May 12

100 Word Challenge-Week 33-By Jess

The deafening screams echoed through the cold night.

The girl had just finished tightening the man who had been said to have murdered three. The small girl looked up at the well rounded tree as a ’empty’ crowd had gathered to watch the execution.

The pale child watched seemingly emotionless as a disturbing presence drifted over them- stopping the hooded executioner.

Yet the malnourished-girl didn’t think  before taking his life: she slapped the horse’s rear watching him, with a spark of joy in her eyes, struggle and twist-turn.

The horrible-deed-was-done but the thing continued to sing into the devil’s night.


Based on: ‘The hanging tree’ By James Newton Howard ft. Jennifer Lawrence (from the Hunger games- Mockingbird part 1.)


May 12

The Forest

In the dead of night the deafening screams echoed through the cold frosty air, waking dogs and children through out the forest. Towns folk were spooked by this sound they all ran to their homes. It only took  a couple of seconds for the whole street to be empty. The screams carried on and on for hours until a deep silence descended over the forest. The animals silent but for a lone owl hooting like a morning bird. Nobody knew what was going on in the forest and nobody ever will because those who enter never return from the mist.



May 12

The Attack

As the deafening voices echoed through the cold night, the town was under attack. There was a dragon, it was spitting out blazing hot flames; they had to evacuate. The town sprinted into the forest, the trees fell to the ground as the lava hot fire surrounded us. Out of breath, I had made it to the valley and there the dragon was nowhere to be seen it had gone with it’s master. A couple months later it was just me left; everyone had passed away on the way up the valley. I had to fight through it by myself…

May 12

Evernight – The Evernight – Chapter 17

Mrs Hester travels at speed to go for the Evernight and meets an ancient man. We find out more about the Evernight.

Your challenge is to write a section that might appear in Wikipedia to tell people what it is and gives some information about it.

Click on the pink circle on the padlet below, write you first name and get writing.

Don’t forget to look at other people’s work and make a comment. It’s great to have readers!

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May 11

Evernight – The Hangman’s Noose – Chapter 16

In this action packed chapter Double Eight escapes a dreadful fate when the City is involved in a visit by fire dragons, or so it seems.

Please write in 100 words a news flash that is posted on the front page of The Silver Kingdom News after the event.

Click on the pink button below to open a post it on the padlet below. Write your first name and begin. Do not include your headline in the 100 words

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May 6

Evernight – Chapter 14 – The Snare

In this chapter we learn a bit more about Double Eight and his life. Today is going to be different; he was sure that something was going to happen.


Your task today is to write Double Eight’s diary entry.

Click on the pink circle to open your post-it. Write in your first name and get writing your diary post or record it using the microphone that you’ll find after clicking on the 3 dots on the post it menu.

Finally, after you have checked your work, tap outside your post. Remember to comment on two other posts.

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May 6

Thunder- 100 word challenge-Olivia

The night was dark, I crept out of our secret hiding place. Nothing. I sneaked into the bushes, heart bearting and nerves cranked to a deadly level. It was now or never. Gently, I pushed myself off the wall. Crack! My heart stopped. Tom was behind me, scared and worried. Thoughts rushed through my head, who would we kill tonight! A heatlight flashed and Sandy suddenly appeared.

“So we met again,” Tomas boomed.

“And this time I will take you down!” she asserted. She raised her wand and sparks thew out. Thunder clouds suddenly gathered.

We disappeared into the night.

Wallpaper : landscape, street light, dark, horror, abandoned, sky ...

May 6

100 word challenge The Door By James

But should I really do this?

My trembling hand reached out then snatched back, why shouldn’t I? I’d waited my whole life for this a chance, to do something important. Not watching another person do a unreal leap of a fifty foot cliff on my battered, aged couch, which had several springs missing, and yawning sleepily.

This was real.

I stared at the door, its glossy, black coat beaming back my shaking self, its pure gold handle sticking out peculiarly and its polished hinges glistening in the radiant light.

I had to do it.

Swiftly I burst through the door.