April 22

Cameron Evernight chapter 3

What is a tosher? A tosher is someone who scavenged in the sewer.

What skills do they need? They need reflexes do defend them self.

What do they do? They leave the group of boys.

Why? Because they still had a knife.

What necessary skills, do they need? Reflexes and intelligence so they dont make stupid decisions later on in the book.

Do they need any special qualifications or experience? No I wouldn’t think so

April 22

100 word challenge – Angry Thanos – Arthur

Trembling, Loky stumbled out from behind a boulder and weakly muttered:

” Thanos, I have been to earth and I think that…”

” It doesn’t matter what you think, does it?” growled Thanos.

Approaching Loky, he spat, tensed his scarred, purple face and seized the scruff of Loky’s neck. With the other gloved hand, he grabbed Loky’s throat. Slowly, painfully he crushed the feeble human bones and watched the blood seep from Loky’s mouth. Turning back, he tossed Loky into the greedy flames that licked his cloak and helmet.

Thanos stared at the glinting gems in his glove, marvelling at their power.

April 22

100 word challenge By India

I was on my way to my best friends house, I was so excited to see her as it had been such a long time since we last met up. The roads were very busy today, horns beeping, traffic lights turning red and I was still miles away. I had plans for this afternoon so I couldn’t be late or I wouldn’t even get to see and if I did it wouldn’t be for long.

I was starting to become rather tired after all this driving. ‘BANG, CRASH, THUD!’

Where am I? What had happen? How did I get here?

April 22

Evernight – The King’s Witch🤴🏻🧝🏻‍♂️🤴🏻🧝🏻‍♂️🤴🏻🧝🏻‍♂️

In this chapter we meet Mrs Hester for the first time. We get some idea about her true nature right from the start.
She creates a spell with powerful transformation properties. The final ingredient is a single hair but what else is in there that could cause such a dramatic result?

Please write on the post it what you think might be the essential ingredients for the spell.

Hit the pink button to select a post it and get writing.

Top tip: You can edit your padlet, if you make a mistake, by selecting the 3 little dots  at the top right hand side of your padlet. Remember, before you publish, read your work aloud to help you check it.

You can comment on your classmates fantastic writing when your done.

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April 21

Evernight – Chapter 3 – The Rats 🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭

In this chapter we find out a bit more about Lara and her friends.

Your task is to draw up a job description for a tosher. When you are ready to write just click on the pink circle, write in your name and get going with your ideas!😃

You need to think about how to organise your ideas – you might want to make some notes before you write or do a brain storm or mind map?

What is a tosher?

What do they do? Why?

What necessary skills do they need?
Do they need any special qualifications or experience?

What equipment would be needed for the job – do they get that provided?

Any other unusual information – working hours ?
What sort of personal qualities might be needed to do the job – courageous, cautious, sense of humour, determination …….?

Thanks to Tiana for her picture that I could use as a background- great idea👍😇


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April 21

Evernight – Chapter 2

You have just read Chapter 2 of Evernight. It’s an exciting episode and introduces the reader to Lara.
What makes Lara so interesting? What is it about her actions that tell us a bit about the sort of character she is?

Post your views here.

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April 20

IOO Word Challenge- Week 30 By Jess (Prompt 1)

“It doesn’t matter what you think, does it?”

Garett hated Mr. Watts and his stupid rules: Speak when spoken to, (often followed you filthy little rat) Do not give your opinion and the worst of all, be perfect. They were practically impossibe, as he was more stupid than a brick with a stupid idea of perfect, an alive- yes alive caterpillar that was his moustache and worst of all, he was the head of Bronslea high acadamy of smart boys school! Everyone hated Mr Watts, and Garrett wished he could just flick his wrist and have him in the air.



April 15

100 word challenge the Easter egg By James

I stared up at the egg, its golden wrapper glinting in the sunlight. This was last egg in our Easter egg hunt. I had to get it: I hadn’t got a egg yet. But how? It was on our roof.

An idea came to me suddenly I ran into the house, grabbed mums car keys and dashed out to her car. I opened up the door to the drivers seat and hopped in.

I drove to the nearby skate park and halted opposite a ramp. Then I stomped on the pedal and charged at my house. Suddenly everything went black.

April 15

The great race-100 word challenge-Olivia

Dear Diary,

Today I was challenged to a stock car race by Joe at the local circuit . We love driving fast and dangerously and we share a dirty, silver stock car.

Joe went first, dust flew out everywhere and then off down the track he went. He completed the course in one minute and twenty three seconds. Next it was my turn; three, two, one, off I raced. I pushed and pushed on the accelerator.  Crash!

The next thing I knew I was on the top of a house. I’m still stuck here now with no idea were Joe is!  Stockcar Engineering is back! - Racecar Engineering